The man Gideon Zock Yaji

By Amos Tauna 

Called Gideon Zock Yaji any name, give him any description of who he is or character, to those who knows him, he is a different breed that brings joy and happiness to whoever goes closer to him. He is that young man that believes in positively touching the lives and bring peace and joy to those around him with his meager resources.

In Kwoi, Jaba local government area of Kaduna state, the young man, Gideon Zock, has distinguished himself so much so that he has followers within and around Southern Kaduna in particular, and beyond the boundaries of the state in general because he is a young man that has carved a niche in the sand of time, leaving trail blazing memories on the minds of the good citizens of Southern Kaduna and the larger contemporary Nigerian society. He has choosen to identify with people around him irrespective of class, his concern is to ensure the downtrodden have a sense of belonging in all spheres of life and to change the fortunes of the people of Southern Kaduna and the state as whole.à

Taking a peep into the world and wonders of the young man Gideon Zock, a true descendant  of Southern Kaduna, he has provided the needed antidotes to the prevailing problems of leadership, as evidence abound within the society. No wonder, the name of Gideon  Zock rings a bell among the youths and the women. He does whatever is possible in any form within the reach of his meager resources. He ensures the youths and women do not roam the streets aimlessly but have something doing to earn a living for a better tomorrow.

Today, our society is besieged by lack of true leadership values and insensitive to the plights of the ordinary people and indeed the masses. The young man, Gideon Zock has no doubt stood in defence of the less privileged in the society. Such agitated efforts of lack of true leadership can quite be obtainable if one critically analyzed the selfless services of the man Gideon Zock and his outstanding achievements so far within a short time. I strongly believed that our agitations for true representation for a vibrant democratic society can be enhanced through the wisdom and the legacies Gideon Zock is known for and by having somebody of his ability if given the chance to showcase his potentials. Southern Kaduna will no doubt following his dream of what he has started will completely be a different place with the provision of social amenities that are lacking in the area for decades. He has demonstrated his willingness to enhance the wellbeing of his people and if given the opportunity, Gideon will definitely stand out in lobbying for all that is lacking in the zone.

He has really portrayed the semblance of true leadership that today has become quite illusionary in the zone and the state in general. He has served and is still serving the people with all moral commitment and honesty, exhibiting leadership, prowess and initiative instincts. The people of Southern Kaduna, state and country at large are now coming to terms with the reality of life and are trying to understand the wisdom of the young man. The intellectual habits and visionary qualities greatly explains the pedigree of Gideon Zock, among many in trying to handle various problems of those who come around him and doing what seems best to him in the area.

It is on record that this rare breed who has always expressed a nationalistic character and also portrayed the symbol of holding the masses of Southern Kaduna at heart as he champion the course of the less privileged. His philosophy of leadership borders on putting to view the wishes and aspirations of the people as ultimate over and above other considerations, at a time moral autonomy has been forgotten especially among our representatives at various levels of governance, people are left to carry their cross but Gideon has shouldered all the challenges of the people on his head by putting smile in their faces.

Through his exemplary leadership, Gideon has changed the fortunes of many people in Southern Kaduna Senatorial district by lending shoulders and heart to the masses who had lost hope in the present times. He has indeed showed a tireless services he so much cherished and always willing to provide unconditionally. This without doubt are attributes of true, compassionate and sincere gentleman that so much desired to see positive changes among the people of his area and the state, by extension. No wonder that through what he has exhibited, his name really rings a bell and so dear in the hearts of many that have come in contact with him. Today, without and political or elective office, the young man is seen as the true representative of his people where people take their problems to and are getting solutions to their challenges.

Indeed, he has within this limited time exhibited transparent and honest desire to ensure a positive transformation in all spheres of life among the people of Southern Kaduna that he so much loved with everything he has, most especially in sharing with them their immediate challenges. He has indeed removed every doubt that he is a true son of the soil that identifies with his people and is willing to do more if he has resources to do so. These are the type of people that should be entrusted with leadership position be it elective or by appointment. He has proven to be who he is and by entrusting any responsibility, he will no doubt justify the confidence of the people in him.

To those who believe in the philosophy and wisdom of Gideon Zock, the answer to our leadership problems in Southern Kaduna lies within the aforementioned attributes as depicts by our beloved and young rare breed, Gideon Zock. There is no doubt that his likes are dearly needed in Southern Kaduna to change and shapes the present situation in the area by giving the youths hope of a better tomorrow so that they will showcase their potentials in different areas of their specializations. By doing, the area will be better for it and also go a long way to curb social vices among our youths that have nothing doing after their educational pursuit, and thereby enhance the development of the area.

Having understood the wisdom of Gideon, it is now a challenge to the present youths aspiring for greatness in the zone to measure up to expectations through selfless, honest services to the people and stand up to the truth as publicly demonstrated by Gideon Zock. It is high time that the likes of Gideon in the zone to compete favorably with other areas because the area is blessed with both human and natural resources that will take the area to greater heights in all spheres of life if hands are put on deck.

By the virtues demonstrated by Gideon, it is an established fact that given the chance in either elective position or by appointment, Southern Kaduna stands to immensely benefit of the dream the young man has for his people to free them in his little way from marginalization and ensure the area is known in the world in all aspects of life. Other people need to tap from his way of life and the dream he has for humanity for a better society that recognizes love, togetherness and progress in every aspect of life for the overall development of Southern Kaduna, the state and Nigeria as a whole.

Until we begin to have the likes of Gideon, the dream of having a united, peaceful and harmonious Southern Kaduna will be a mirage. The man knows no tribe or religion, but his focus is to ensure a developed area through the coming together of the people of the zone to have a common focus and goal on how to solve the different challenges confronting the area with a view of realizing the dream destined to the people by the Almighty creator. His dream needs to be supported by all towards ensuring that the entire Southern Senatorial district takes a different shape and compete favorably among community of nations because the area is really blessed to be able to stand out as one of the developed and peaceful communities in the country.

Gideon Zock, a son of nobody, has through his relationship, attitude and by touching the lives of people with his meager resources, has today in Southern Kaduna has his name in the lips of people praising him for identifying with his people in their challenges. Today, people are praying for him for God’s blessing in all his endeavours. If today Gideon is elevated to a big position, the people of Southern Kaduna are very sure that they stand to benefit from their son who holds them in high esteem, values them and is ever ready to do more for the welfare of millions of people around him. He has done it, he is still doing it and given the opportunity, will do much better to put smile in the mouths of his people who are always at the receiving end.

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